Saturday, August 01, 2009

Food For Thought

Flooded field
One of the good things about fostering a dog is it does get you out for a walk in the evenings. When the day has been so hot it would be oh, so easy not to have a walk, but with a dog in the house you just have to make the effort. We like to walk where the current pooch can have some "off lead time" so we often head through the campo behind the Thai restaurant. This also gives us a chance to see what's being grown locally. We frequently see the local farmer, and his wife, working in the evening, guess its cooler then. My, but these people have a hard life, very tough. They've been working on clearing the artichokes that have gone over and preparing the soil to plant more. They use cuttings from the old plants once the ground is prepared. After this they flood the field from the irrigation system then runs through the whole of the Vega Baja. Boy does that stir the mossies up!
We had a chat to the farmer the other evening and he told us that he was only being offered 10 cents each for the melons he was growing. He blames this on imports from other countries and other areas of Spain. Two days later he ploughed all his melons into the ground. I guess he just needs to plant a new crop of something he hopes will pay him for all his hard work.

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